Oops! Trap error....



My 6 month old system (Athlon 1600+, Chaintech Nforce2 Ultra MB, 512mb
DDR-2100 ram, old ATA66 13GB HDD), running Win2K has given up the ghost
- a "Trap 00000002" error first, followed by a "trap 00485872" (or
something like that - I can't remember) after resetting the BIOS. I
tried the usual things - repaired Win2K with recovery console, tried
replacing the system file, etc. I also tried swapping out ram, I
swapped out the processor, and now I've even tried a different MB.
Still a trap error - now it's "Trap 0000000D", though. I haven't yet
tried a new IDE cable or HDD, I don't have any errors on CHKDSK under
recovery console. I'm not willing to try FIXBOOT or FIXMBR; I want to
back up my data first.

Thus, my main question - Can I attach a USB external HDD under recovery
console? I can access all the files on the HDD under the repair
console, it would be by far easiest for me to just attach my backup
external drive and XCOPY away, if possible.

My secondary question is - does anyone have any references for these
trap errors? I haven't been able to find out anything about them, other
than what's in USENET; and every post has a different interpretation.
Thanks for any info!

Eugene Taylor

If you have a spare harddrive I would install to that and then slave out the
original disk as a d drive and copy everything you need off it.


Eugene said:
If you have a spare harddrive I would install to that and then slave out the
original disk as a d drive and copy everything you need off it.

Thanks for the reply. I don't have a spare disk right now and I don't
really want to buy one, I don't need another - unless, of course, this
incident signals the impending death of my HDD....

For future reference, there's no way a USB device will work under
recovery console - I tried. The USB drivers just aren't there.

I ended up just moving the disk to another computer and copying the
stuff I wanted. That'll teach me for not backing up my data daily.


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