OOP in ASP .Net Pages



I am struggling with a concept I'm not really finding a lot of in depth
articles on but Im sure others have had similar issues.

What is the best practice when it comes to persisting custom created objects
during a user's session?

I have created several objects that when run with an Out of Process session
state they cause the dreaded "Unable to serialize the session state. Please
note that non-serializable objects or MarshalByRef objects are not permitted
when session state mode is 'StateServer' or 'SQLServer'. " exception.

In the past I have created a base object that contained all of the
serializable properties, then create a concrete class underneath and
basically stripped the base class off and saved it in a session variable and
then "bolted" it back up when needed on other pages (.net 1.1). But now
that I am at the point where I need to develop an application I am wondering
how to deal with custom objects and persisting them properly.

Im struggling using OOP techniques for the web. How are other people
handling these techniques?

This is an example of the class that wont serialize, but I need to reference
it throughout the user's session:


<Serializable()> Public Class CompanyBase

#Region "Member Variables"

Private m_ID As System.Int32

Private m_OfficeID As System.String

Private m_CompanyID As System.String

Private m_AliasID As System.String

Private m_CompanyName As System.String

Private m_DataSource As DataSourceType

Private m_oData As BaseDataClass

#End Region

#Region "Member Properties"

Public Property ID() As System.Int32


Return m_ID

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As System.Int32)

m_ID = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property OfficeID() As System.String


Return m_OfficeID

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As System.String)

m_OfficeID = Value

m_CompanyDataset.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("OfficeID") = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property CompanyID() As System.String


Return m_CompanyID

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As System.String)

m_CompanyID = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property AliasID() As System.String


Return m_AliasID

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As System.String)

m_AliasID = Value

End Set

End Property

Public Property CompanyName() As System.String


Return m_CompanyName

End Get

Set(ByVal Value As System.String)

m_CompanyName = Value

End Set

End Property

#End Region

#Region "Constructor"

Public Sub New()

End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal companyID As String)

m_CompanyID = companyID

m_DataSource = DataSourceType.SQLServer


End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Member Methods"

Private Sub DataSourceBuilder()

If m_DataSource = DataSourceType.XML Then

m_File = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath & Me.CompanyID
& "_Company.xml"

m_oData = DataFactory.GetDataClass(m_File, DataSourceType.XML)

m_oData.ConnectionString = m_File

m_oData.PrimaryKey = "ID"

ElseIf m_DataSource = DataSourceType.Access Then

m_File = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath & "Global.mdb"

m_oData = DataFactory.GetDataClass(m_File, DataSourceType.Access)

m_oData.ConnectionString = m_File

m_oData.PrimaryKey = "ID"

m_oData.SQLString = "select * from companies WHERE CompanyID = '" &
m_CompanyID & "'"

ElseIf m_DataSource = DataSourceType.SQLServer Then

m_oData = DataFactory.GetDataClass("Global", DataSourceType.SQLServer)

m_oData.SQLString = "select * from Global.dbo.companies WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE
CompanyID = '" & m_CompanyID & "'"

m_oData.PrimaryKey = "ID"

End If

m_CompanyDataset = m_oData.GetDataSet()


End Sub

Private Sub BindProperties()

Dim oDr As DataRow

If Not CompanyID Is Nothing Then

If m_CompanyDataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then

oDr = m_CompanyDataset.Tables(0).Rows(0)

ID = IIf(Not IsDBNull(oDr("ID")), oDr("ID"), Nothing)

OfficeID = IIf(Not IsDBNull(oDr("OfficeID")), oDr("OfficeID"), Nothing)

CompanyID = IIf(Not IsDBNull(oDr("CompanyID")), oDr("CompanyID"), Nothing)

AliasID = IIf(Not IsDBNull(oDr("AliasID")), oDr("AliasID"), Nothing)

CompanyName = IIf(Not IsDBNull(oDr("CompanyName")), oDr("CompanyName"),

End If

End If

End Sub

Public Sub UpdateDataSet()

Dim oDr As DataRow

If m_CompanyDataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then

oDr = m_CompanyDataset.Tables(0).Rows.Find(ID)

oDr("OfficeID") = IIf(OfficeID <> Nothing, OfficeID, DBNull.Value)

oDr("CompanyID") = IIf(CompanyID <> Nothing, CompanyID, DBNull.Value)

oDr("AliasID") = IIf(AliasID <> Nothing, AliasID, DBNull.Value)

oDr("CompanyName") = IIf(CompanyName <> Nothing, CompanyName, DBNull.Value)

End If

End Sub

Public Function GetOutput() As String

Dim sb As New StringBuilder

For Each prop As PropertyInfo In Me.GetType.GetProperties

sb.Append(prop.Name & " - " & prop.GetValue(Me, Nothing) & "<br>")


Return sb.ToString

End Function

Public Sub SaveChanges()



End Sub

#End Region

End Class

Laura T.

Create a CompanyBaseSerializer class that *is* serializable that can convert
from CompanyBase to itself and back, and then just add some water:

public shared sub SaveSessionCompany(obj as CompanyBase)
Dim CBaseSerialized as CompanyBaseSerializer
end function

public shared function GetSessionCompany() as CompanyBase
Dim CBaseSerialized as CompanyBaseSerializer=Session("companyobject")
return CompanyBaseSerializer.GetCompanyObject(CBaseSerialized)
end function



Thanks for your assistance!

I am only confused about the
"CBaseSerialized=CompanyBaseSerializer.GetSerializable(obj)" part. What
does that function look like?


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


ASPNET pages are not persistent, therefore you have to construct them every
time new.

You want more OOP. OOP is not Object Oriented as some think. It is Object
Oriented Programming. (Make your program exist from objects). A OO dataclass
does your program not make OOP, for that the completely OOP dataset or only
the datatable is mostly much more sufficient.




Thanks for the input.

I agree totally. I am using a data class because the back side of the
application can read/write XML, SQLServer or Access database tables based on
the user. I didn't design the back end systems in place, so I have
implemented an abstract data class with conrete clases underneith that
support the read/writes to and from the data stores. I am using the company
Information Object to abstract that information away from the user
interface, and while it isn't apparent in the example there are quite a few
additional properties that reside in different tables, but since they are
directly part of a company it makes sense in scope. In addition i need the
user to be able to preview changes before they commit them to the datastore
which is why I need to persist the object across multiple pages.


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


Be aware that Static in ASP.Net means accessed by all users.
I hope this warns you enough.


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


I am not sure what you mean, however the good old session is to keep data
static to one session.


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