Only Inbox shows up in Folder View


Madt M

Only my Inbox shows up in the Folders View. I can see the other
folders in the right pane if I click on Local Folders, but I can't
make them persist. Any clues?


This has happened to me one week ago today. I've tried everything to restore
my problem and nothing has worked. One of my more "computer literate"
friends tried tonight, but he failed too. Did you work this out? Please
share with me if you did.

Gary VanderMolen

By any chance are you using a non-compatible antivirus program?
Windows Mail is not compatible with most McAfee or Norton
security programs. Those will need to be uninstalled, not just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

Even compatible antivirus programs will need to have their
email scanning option turned off. For more on this topic see

Gary VanderMolen


I do use McAfee, but I don't understand why this is a problem all of a
sudden. I went to delete my read messages in my inbox on Aug 30 and for a
few minutes I thought every folder in my mail program had been lost.
Everything was empty. All my folders were prominently displayed on the left
side of my screen as I prefer them to be, but the were all empty. As I
stated I was pretty upset...afterall I'm a female and that's what we do
first. After a period of crying and several "oh no, oh no's," I found that
all my folders were still intact with my saved email messages, but I am no
longer able to view these folders to the left of mail viewing screens, or
whatever they are called. I even restored by system a couple of weeks back
hoping to see things to what I call normal, but to no avail. Don't you think
it is something other than McAfee especially since I've been using both for
quite a while? Remember too, I'm not the sharpest crayon in the "computer
crayon box."

Gary VanderMolen

If you research the posts in this forum going back all the way
to February, you'll finds lots of reports from people just like you
who had similar trouble, and as soon as they uninstalled McAfee
(or Norton) the trouble went away. Sometimes it takes months of
operation before the trouble shows up. You have nothing to lose
by uninstalling McAfee, since the free replacement we recommend
is equally effective.

Gary VanderMolen


Madt M said:
Only my Inbox shows up in the Folders View. I can see the other
folders in the right pane if I click on Local Folders, but I can't
make them persist. Any clues?

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