onload event does not fire in IE 6.0.3790.0



I am using IE 6.0.3790.0 on Windows Server 2003 and my
onload event does not fire on one of my pages. I am using
this line to fire the event:
<script language="vbs" event="onload" for="window">

this page works fine when browsing from a WinXP machine.
It is just the IE version of Server 2003 that has the
problem. Also, other pages on my website work fine with
the onload event - it is only this particular page.

what could be different in this version of IE that will
not fire the onload event while other versions of IE 6
(such as 6.0.2800.1106 on my WinXp machine) will fire it
just fine? could it be a bug in IE 6.0.3790.0?

Robert Aldwinckle

what could be different in this version of IE that will
not fire the onload event while other versions of IE 6
(such as 6.0.2800.1106 on my WinXp machine) will fire it
just fine? could it be a bug in IE 6.0.3790.0?

Sounds like a case of regressed fixes.
Have you tried reinstalling the scripting package?

BTW what version of vbscript.dll is installed on each system?

FWIW this seems to be the one I have for XPsp1

<title>KB318089 - MS02-009: Incorrect VBScript Handling in Internet Explorer Can Allow Web Pages to Read Local Files</title>

26-Feb-2002 19:58 462,906 Vbscript.dll

Curiously WinServ2003 is not referenced by this fix.

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