Online Crash Analysis for Dump from Other Computer



Hello! I am a technician working at a university with a campus agreement. I
have a mini.dmp file that I would like to get analyzed by the online crash
analysis, but I won't be able to do it from the computer that's having the
problem. How can I submit a dump file to crash analysis from a different

Joshua Smith [MSFT]

Hi Melanie,
Why can't the crashing system send the dump itself? If all you are
interested in is knowing what the reason is for the crash you can send it to
me and I'll see what I can find. The dump may not contain the real problem
though. If the memory was trashed by another process before the program
crashed then it may require other tools to determine the real cause.

Joshua Smith
DirectInput and OpenGL Test Labs


Hi, thanks for the quick response! Well he's just rarely on campus and I
just managed to finally get him to email me the dump (he doesn't know how to
send the dump himself unfortunately). Most likely the dump wont be the
problem - in fact I believe I will make another post describing the problem
to see if I can find any help on it. Thanks again!

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