One to Many Relationship



How do I set up an autoupdate query (using a form) that will automatically
popuplate a table with data from another table? Example of the table to
PLTable.Activity Number (Text)
PLTable.Entered by (Date}
PLTable.ViolationCite (Text) update from ViolationTable.ViolationCite
PLTable.ViolationAmount (Currency) update from ViolationTable.ViolationAmount
PLTable.MaximumAmount(Currency) update from ViiolationTable.MaximumAmount

My relationship is one (ViolationTable.ViolationCite) to many

I get no autofill of the fields in the PLTable when I enter the
ViolationCite either in the query or the form. The source of the form is the

Jeff Boyce

I'm not clear on why you are replicating data ("... populate a table with
data from another table"). The advantage to using a relational database is
that you don't generally need to do this.

If you provide a bit more information about why, perhaps the 'group readers
can offer an alternative approach...


Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>


The Violation Table consist of blank templates of Violations, Recommended
Penalties, etc.
The PL Table consist of the Violation Table (with the blank spaces filled
in) and control data such as Activity Number, Violation Number, date the data
was entered, who entered it and the reviewing Hearing Officer.

I need to keep the completed PL data in tack for record purposes and I need
to keep the Violation Table as a blank templete for more Activities and or


Jeff Boyce


I'm not following your terminology.

However, you can use queries to join together tables and return fields from
the joined tables. This obviates the need to redundantly store the same
information in more than one table.

Relational design allows you to simply store the rowID that points back to
the information in another table.

It may be that your "database" is actually designed more like a series
spreadsheets. If you'll post the table structure...


Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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