One print job as oposed to several ?

  • Thread starter James Cornthwaite
  • Start date

James Cornthwaite

I have (with help) written the following macro.

It essentially prints the first page of every worksheet in a workbook

with the exception the "import" and "client details worksheets".

My problem is this macro code causes each page to be sent to the printer as
a seperate job.
This wouldn't be a problem but i'm in a busy office (and though quick) other
printouts will sneak in between the pages.

Is there any coding variation which would lead to only one job being sent to
the printer.

Many thanks in anctipation.


Sub PrintFullAccounts()

Dim theSheet As Worksheet

For Each theSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If theSheet.Name = "import" Or theSheet.Name = "client details" Then
'do nothing
'print first page
theSheet.PrintOut From:=1, To:=1, Copies:=1
End If

Next theSheet

End Sub


Try this:
Sub PrintAllSheets()
Dim tf As Boolean, TheSheet As Worksheet, Curr As Worksheet
tf = True
Set Curr = ActiveSheet
For Each TheSheet In Worksheets
If LCase(TheSheet.Name) = "client details" Or LCase(TheSheet.Name) =
"import" Then
TheSheet.Select tf
tf = False
End If
End Sub

James Cornthwaite

Bob, sorry to be a pain, but i'm new to VB and hate using things I dont

I have just read the code and am unsure how the tf boolean is significant.
Why can't this just be true everytime rather than just the first iteration.
(far from saying its wrong, just i dont understand !)

Also what does "" at the end of the code do/mean??

Thanks again

Tom Ogilvy

1) the first select changes from the current selection (in case it was the
Import or Client Details sheets or multiple sheets were selected). After
that, it adds sheets to the selection.

2) selects only the sheet that was selected at the start of the macro.

James Cornthwaite

Hi there again Bob,

thanks for looking at my code and suggesting a solution.

I've given it a go but cant get it to do what I want.
Not just sure how to correctly modify your solution (or for that matter if
it is possible)

I tried your solution and it only prints one page from the whole workbook,
rather than the desired first page of each worksheet within the workbook
(excluding the exceptions of import and client details worksheets).

If you can remember, the only reason i am going to this effort is to ensure
it goes to the printer as one job as opposed to many jobs.

I suspect its something to do with tf getting set to true for only ONE

I would be really grateful for any help (or anybody else).


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