One link not working



I have a workbook that pulls info from the Payroll Master to calculate our paychecks. All those links work fine without having the Payroll Master open. However there is one cell that does a Countif and looks for "x", and returns the value. This link only works if the Payroll Master is open, when it's closed, it returns a error. Any ideas?


just a thought, but maybe, is your worksheet set to 'Save External Lin
Values'?? under Tools -> Options -> Calculation (tab) -> Save Externa
Link Values (also Update Remote References)

Dave Peterson

There are some functions that won't work with closed workbooks. =Countif() is
one of them.

maybe you could use a different function, something like:

=SUMPRODUCT(--('C:\My Documents\excel\[book1.xls]Sheet1'!$A1:$A100="x"))


I was wondering if that was the case... At any rate, the sumproduct won't work since it is looking at text "Yes"/"No"..
Don't spend too much time on this, I may just integrate the two workbooks...

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure what this means.

=Sumproduct() will work with text. Or replace "X" with "yes" or "no" in the
original formula.

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