One big table versus several small tables



My database is in the initial phase and I would like some design pointers
before getting too far down the road.

My DB currently is 70M. I have a main table with 20 fields and about 120K
records. It grows about 10K records per month. Now, I have some new fields
that I need to add. Performance wise, is it better to keep adding fields to
the main table or create another table with a relationship with the main
table. I'm concerned that if I add a new table that's linked (via
relationship) to the main table that my queries performance will be slowed.
Is there a rule-of-thumb for table length versus mutlple linked (via
relationship) tables?

Douglas J. Steele

The more important question is whether those fields belong in the one table,
or if they should be in a separate table.

While Denormalized tables may be faster for data retrieval, they almost
always lead to considerably more work when updating the data.

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