on slide custom show recognizing?



Hello All,

There is a 250 slide PPT2003 presentation with several custom shows to be
activated by several buttons. I am looking for a way to let the viewer know
in which custom show he is browsing (and thereby when it is ended). For
instance a text box with the name of the specific custom show, presented on
the slides during the length of this custom show?

Does anyone have a clue?


TAJ Simmons


the only thing I can think of... is for you to physically type a text box
onto each slide for each custom show :(

TAJ Simmons
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You might want to use the following macro:

Sub ShowCustomShowName()
If SlideShowWindows.Count > 0 Then
With SlideShowWindows(1).View
If .SlideShowName = "" Then
MsgBox "Presentation Console"
MsgBox .SlideShowName
End If
End With
End If
End Sub

Set it to run from an action of a shape. This macro will show a message box
with the name of the custom show. If it is the top-level show, then it would
show "Presentation Console" as the name.

- Chirag

OfficeOne Animations - Add over 50 animation effects to PowerPoint


Hello Chirag,

Thank you for your swift answer and it seems o.k. to start from! But... how
do I get to open the Custom Show (of which the name should be shown) at the
same time? I mean, now the action of the shape is to open the custom show,
if I set it to run the macro, it will not open the custom show?...

Is it possible to run 2 actions from 1 click?

(adding tags by hand is no option because slides appear in more then 1
(sometimes up to 4 different) custom shows)...

Thanks again,


Hi Guurt,

I was thinking that you wanted to know the custom show name when the custom
show is in progress. The macro would show you the custom show name when you
run it through the action of a shape on the slide show when the custom show
is being shown. The shape that launches the custom show should continue to
do so as it is doing at present in your presentation.

- Chirag

PowerShow - View multiple PowerPoint slide shows simultaneously


Hello Chirag,

You are right! But what I am looking for some 'automatic' way of 'knowing
where you are' in the series of custom shows.

So that the name of the custom show is being shown on every single slide

Austin Meyers wrote the SlideShowNextSlide event would do so, but how do I
write this into your macro? (I am trying trial and error....error till

Thanx very much!

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