On Got Focus


Dr. Brad

Good afternoon,
I use Windows 2000 and access 2000. I have a form called "frmDaily Job
Report," on this form is a subform called "frmInventory" which has a
control called "Item." Item is a Combo Box.

For Item I use the On Not In List property and the On Got Focus property.
The first time I enter the item I jump out because of the On Got Focus
property and checked a switch then I returned to Item to enter a name. It
the name is not in the table used by the Combo Box then I exit at the On Not
In List property, fill out a little form with the name, requery the table,
and save the name in a constant. I then exit the sub On Not In List back to
the Item.

When I reenter Item I want to activate the On Got Focus property so that I
can checked my switch again. The switch will be set to say save the new
name in the field Item.

I use this approach on another form (not a sub form) and it works fine.
However, in this sub form, when I returned from the sub On Not In List the
On Got Focus property is not activated for the second time.

I don't know why it works on one form but not on a sub form (actually I
don't know why it works on the first form). In both cases I am reentering
the Item and I thought the On Got Focus property would work. Can you help
me with my poor thinking???


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