On Click Event Procedure to populate a query

  • Thread starter Grub via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

Grub via AccessMonster.com

Hello, I am creating a realtively simply database in Access 2003, it is for
an excess of supplies at my work, so people can see what extra supplies
someone else has.

I have two tables, one a list built from an excel sheet of all the supplies
available "Supply List", and the other "Excess Supplies" that will contain
the editing users who have entered they have a certain amount of these
supplies by name and phone number and how many of that supply they have.

So far, I have the Supply table come up in a form as a List Box at the moment,
and I wanted to attach an onclick procedure that will populate a query that
will bring up a form that relates to the 2nd table once you click on an item
in the Supply list's list box. This form that comes from the query will bring
up and save to "Excess Supplies" e.g. the users name and phone number and
amount they have of the certain supply.

I haven't done alot of SQL and wanted to know if I could put an event
procedure like that on my list box, or is there a different way to go about

Still thinking about relationships needed too, I'll get there, but this
criteria or SQL Event Procedure would really help me out getting started on
the results I want.

Hope this isn't too confusing!!!, thank you if you can help.



I'm not sure if you're open to a different approach, but this design might
lend itself perfectly to the form/subform model. Instead of using a listbox,
use a bound form for the Supply table and a bound subform for the Supplies
List table. When you click on a detail row in the Supply form, it will bring
up the records in the subform.


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