OLE Registration Error


Rick Hilton


I'm using Windows 98 and Office 2000.

I used HijackThis to rid my system of a bunch of spybot
programs that had attached themselves to my system and

Unfortunately, in doing this, it caused several software
problems (since fixed), but I have one lingering problem.
When trying to start Outlook, I now get the message, "An
OLE registration error occurred. The program is not
correctly installed. Run Setup again for the program." I
cannot get into the program at all. After clicking OK,
the program shuts down.

I have searched Google for some answers and have tried:

1. to delete Outlook and re-install. No results.
2. applying the service pack for Office which is supposed
to cure the problem. No results.
3. Comletely deleting Office and then re-installing after
going in to regedit and deleting Office keys from
4. to use the Office Setup program to repair and re-
install Office. No results.

I'm now back to using Outlook Express, which is working
OK, but I want to use Outlook instead.

Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this problem? I'd
hate to have to reformat my drive and reinstall all

'Preciate it!


Ken Ludvigson

Rick: I have the exact same problem and have tried some
of the same fixes with the same results. Waiting for
someone to post a fix to your problem. Good luck.

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