OLE and T.S.???



In a session of T.S. I can successfully copy an object
from my application and ‘Paste Special’ into a WordPad,
with the embedded object retaining its original format and
link to the application that created it (OLE). However,
when I attempt the same to WordPad running on my local
computer, the object type is not included in the list
listed and shows Source as Unknown Source. Is there
something that I should install to make this feature work?
Any help is appreciated greatly.


It looks like your app (the one installed in TS) acts as a
OLE server. So it is registered as an OLE server in your
TS but not in your workstation, cause it's not installed
locally in your ws and this is the reason you can't 'paste
special' there.

In order to do so, you'd need to have the first app
installed locally in your workstation.

As a workaround, if your app allows to export the data
you're trying to embed in a format that's supported in
both environments, you'd be able to embed the exported
object within a TS session, save the wordpad doc and edit
it later locally

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