OL2007 crashes on every reply and forward



Love the new office - except Outlook is driving me crazy. I can send and
receive email all day long with my 1.0 GB mailbox on an Exchange 2003 server.
Outlook runs perfectly except for one major issue. The problem is when I need
to reply or forward, Outlook crashes and restarts itself. If I do the reply
or forward immediately upon Outlook's restart, the message will go. If I
wait, or the next time that I do a reply or forward, Outlook crashes again.

From the Office Event Log, event ID 7001: ID: 6, Application Name: Microsoft
Office Outlook, Application Version: 12.0.4017.1006, Microsoft Office
Version: 12.0.4017.1006. This session lasted 480 seconds with 120 seconds of
active time. This session ended with a crash.

From the Application Log, Event ID 1000: Faulting application outlook.exe,
version 12.0.4017.1006, stamp 445b7cf7, faulting module kernel32.dll, version
5.1.2600.2180, stamp 411096b4, debug? 0, fault address 0x0001eb33.

Because of the volume of email that I deal with on a daily basis, don't know
how long I can keep working this problem...

If this group is monitored by a Microsoft person who might have an update or
insight to resolve the problem, I would appreciate it!


you probably have adobe 6.0 pro installed. go to control panel. add
or remove programs hit change on adobe. de-select the outlook and
office files once you hit modify. problem should be fixed.

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