OK I admit that I can not make a Command Button work



I open the Control tool Box, selcet the one to click. I cna edit name etc
but I can never get it to not allow me to resize it or edit it. what am I
doing wrong? I wnt to add a formula in the VBA part which I have tso that
when it is clicked it will random a number. Would liekth enumber in cell
below the button so as nto to have to sue F9. I have 2 cells in worksheet
that used randon numbers but if I click anything, type anything they
randomize. Kind of anoying. Only want them to work when I hit F9 or thsi
button. Would rather have the button.

How do I accomplish this?

Mike Fogleman

Sounds like you are still in DESIGN MODE. The first icon in the toolbox is a
triangle. When you click it, Design Mode is toggled On/Off for the object
you were building. Design Mode ON to edit the object, Design Mode Off to use
the object.
Your randomize code sounds like it is WorkSheet_SelectionChange event
code. Move this code to your CommandButton_Click code.

Mike F

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