oh difficult...


x tomi3440

Dim grp As GroupBox
Set grp = s.GroupBoxes.Add(3.75, 62.25, 242, 47)
grp.Caption = "xxx"
set s=activesheet
s.Shapes.Range(Array(grp.Name, "btnAll","btnLast")).Select
Selection.Name = "myGroup"

and btnAll and btnLast is linked with OnAction method to the following

sub sbBtn()
dim btn as button
set btn=activesheet.buttons(application.caller)'...error
if btn.name="btnAll" then
msgbox 1
elseif btn.name="btnLast" then
msgbox 2
end if
end sub

why??? about button in group box.......

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure what you're doing, but don't group the shapes.

Isn't it enough that the objects are within the groupbox?

x tomi3440

Dim grp As GroupBox
set s=activesheet
Set grp = s.GroupBoxes.Add(3.75, 62.25, 242, 47)
grp.Caption = "xxx"
s.Shapes.Range(Array(grp.Name, "btnAll","btnLast")).Select
Selection.Name = "myGroup"

sub sbBtn()
dim btn as button
set btn=activesheet.buttons(application.caller)'...error
if btn.name="btnAll" then
msgbox 1
elseif btn.name="btnLast" then
msgbox 2
end if
end sub

I make 2 buttons(controlformat type) in a sheet. and the buttons of
controlformat have a procedure(sbBtn). and I make a groupbox of
controformat in a sheet. The 2 buttons is included in the groupbox. and
then the buttons and groupbox is grouped, and the group is named

I want to do specific action when I click a button.
Namely, when btnAll is clicked, msgbox 1...
only one procedure is acted.

Dave Peterson

My suggestion is still not to group the shapes.

You haven't shared a reason to group the shapes.

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