Offline files - Caching user home directory possible?



Hello all,

Setting up a GPO to do offline files. Intended for laptop users to have
their home directory offline when they are disconnected from the network.
I am currently testing this but it doesn't appear to be working as expected.
In the policy setting for Administratively assigned offline files (User
Config ==> Admin Templates ==> Network ==> Offline Files) it requires a UNC
for the item to be made offline. My question is can I use the following:
\\servername\%username% - Will the variable be translated when the policy
gets applied? Initially it appears as if it won't.
If this will not work, then is it possible to use a drive letter? havent
tried that yet...
If not, any other ideas? Thanks for any input.



You can set this on the AD side of the account. When you setup an
account or modify the user account, you can specivy the driveletter and
path for the homedirectory to be, this will set the user to that path
with that letter. Once the user is logged on you should be able to have
the GPO set that homedirectory to offline use and it should be available
when the user is offline.

I hope this makes sense.


Hi Oscar,

Thanks for the response but as I mentioned in my post, the GPO specifically
asks for a UNC and in testing, it does not appear to translate variables
appropriately. Where in a GPO do you see a setting "home directory" to


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