Office 2K install on WinXP



Hi -

Hope this is the right newsgroup (if not, could someone please point me to the right one) ...

Using XP Pro - four accounts - me as admin and three limited accounts.

Installed Office 2K Pro on my admin account - then installed Office 2K SR-1, SP-2 and SP-3.

No problems on admin account but when I start Word or Excel on any limited account - Windows Installer pops up - displays gathering info msg - and fails with error 1706. It does this three times (one for each update?) and then Word/Excel load ... and according to Help/About, they are running SP-3.

Spoke to a help desk guy at work and he told me to reinstall Office 2K using the custom install and selecting the network option.

Uninstalled Office 2K. (Checked the Office folder and found the executables for Word, Excel, Access were still there ... they wouldn't run though - just displayed a msg that they needed to be installed).

Reinstalled Office 2K - but the Custom Installation did not have any network or admin installation - just offered choices of what Office components to install.

Before installing Office 2K SR-1, read through the docs and found info about the admin install for the upgrade. There is no UI for this option - it has to be run from the command line. I was unsure about doing this as it looked like I need .msi files in my Office folder (though perhaps I should have referenced the .msi files on the installation CD??) Anyway, I did not install the updates.

When I run Word/Excel from the limited accounts, there is no longer the Windows installer msg boxes ... seems all is fine. When I check the Help/About, it indicates that I am running Office 2K - SR-1, SP-3. However, when I check Control Panel/Add/Remove,it reports that Office 2K is installed (rather than Office 2K - SR-1).

I am pretty confused about what's going on.

My guess is that since the uninstall did not actually remove the Office executables, the patched versions remained and were simply reregistered when I ran reinstall.

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what actually went on?

Thanks for reading ...


Scott M.

Not sure about what your experiencing now, but you could have just
temporarially changed the limited accounts to Admin accounts and let the
installations finish successfully in the first place. You could then set
them back to limited accounts.

Hi -

Hope this is the right newsgroup (if not, could someone please point me to
the right one) ...

Using XP Pro - four accounts - me as admin and three limited accounts.

Installed Office 2K Pro on my admin account - then installed Office 2K SR-1,
SP-2 and SP-3.

No problems on admin account but when I start Word or Excel on any limited
account - Windows Installer pops up - displays gathering info msg - and
fails with error 1706. It does this three times (one for each update?) and
then Word/Excel load ... and according to Help/About, they are running SP-3.

Spoke to a help desk guy at work and he told me to reinstall Office 2K using
the custom install and selecting the network option.

Uninstalled Office 2K. (Checked the Office folder and found the executables
for Word, Excel, Access were still there ... they wouldn't run though - just
displayed a msg that they needed to be installed).

Reinstalled Office 2K - but the Custom Installation did not have any network
or admin installation - just offered choices of what Office components to

Before installing Office 2K SR-1, read through the docs and found info about
the admin install for the upgrade. There is no UI for this option - it has
to be run from the command line. I was unsure about doing this as it looked
like I need .msi files in my Office folder (though perhaps I should have
referenced the .msi files on the installation CD??) Anyway, I did not
install the updates.

When I run Word/Excel from the limited accounts, there is no longer the
Windows installer msg boxes ... seems all is fine. When I check the
Help/About, it indicates that I am running Office 2K - SR-1, SP-3. However,
when I check Control Panel/Add/Remove,it reports that Office 2K is installed
(rather than Office 2K - SR-1).

I am pretty confused about what's going on.

My guess is that since the uninstall did not actually remove the Office
executables, the patched versions remained and were simply reregistered when
I ran reinstall.

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what actually went on?

Thanks for reading ...


Adam Kuhn

I experienced something similar to this after sysprepping. I was installing O2K off of a network using a transform and it gave me an error (don't remember which number, possibly the same) and told me to insert the Windows XP SP1 CD. Since I wasn't installing Office 2K off of a CD, I was able to insert the Win CD in and surprisingly the Office Install continued. This error seems to fall into the realm of a file version mismatch error.

I then sysprepped that image, and had no problem creating new accounts on the local machine and initializing Office for each user.

So, maybe you could find a way to put the WinXP CD into the drive to continue the install? Not convenient, but it may offer a work around.

Adam Kuhn
Edison Electric Institute
Washington, DC

(e-mail address removed)


If you are using XP Pro and Office 2

I had the same problem with my set up, It appears to be a problem with the Office updates
If you install the updates BEFORE you go to each account and open the program you WILL get the 1706 error

Proceed with install in this manner and you wont get the error
Install Office 2K as Adminstrator. Including Outlook. Let the programs load then close them
If you are not using Adminstrator account for personal use, Fill in the info the Outlook wizard asks for using bogus info. (noone,,
If you are using the Administrator account, fill in your correct E-mail account info
Let the wizard launch outlook, when you see the Outlook welcome message in your inbox go ahead and close Outlook. You are done with adminstrator account for now
Now got into each limited account, opening at least 1 Office program
There will be a pop up window asking for the initials of the user for that account. they should be in the box already. Just click ok
Once the initial box dialogue is done the programs should open as normal office programs
Now set up the E-mails for the various limited accounts
After all accounts are done, Log in as Administrator and go to the Office update web site and start updating your Office programs

It worked for me

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