
I will be getting another computer shortly, (w/ NO O.S.)
and want to install XP PRO. I have many questions.

1)What to buy?...I see OEM, full oem, full retail. What
is the pro and cons for using or buying each? Which is

2)Is a "full oem" version the same software as a full

3)Can I put XP on my new comp and then again on a third
one that I plan to buy a month later?

4)What is all the hype about registering. Can I install
and use the full software without registering w/Microsoft?

5)Can you still do live update without registering?

6)If I'm not allowed to use it on more than one computer,
that's fine, but how will they know? I ask this not so
much to use one copy for a million computers but in
curiosity on HOW Microsoft would KNOW...are they allowed
or have ways where they look into your computer (snoop)
and "verify" things??

7)If I buy a copy from EBAY or somewhere, what happens if
they lied about it not being registered. A friend told me
that it wouldn't matter as long as I just use it without
registering it. Is that true. How can I know if I have a
legal copy without necessarily letting Microsoft know
which copy I have?

8)If I want to also install Office pro 2003 do I need to
buy 3 copies for 3 home computers? That would be $1500
and seems a bit much (to put it nicely) for one poor soul
to put it on all his personal computers.

David Jones

It's considered extremely rude to post roughly 15 copies
of the same message to multiple newsgroups with different
subject lines. Please stop.


full oem means 'Original Equipment Manufacturer' and is
cut in price to go with new hardware, and is the same as
full XP PRO. register or it won't work, you have about 30
days maybe, intill it won't open. If it is new you get a
certificate of authanticty with each copy. If it is used
once it is done and can't be used with out commiting a
crime. MS is the toughest on guarding their property.
If you want cheaper OS's you could try Linux OS. live
update is for fixing flaws and improving the options in
the OS, including securty
patches. -wayne


Some OEM versions of a Windows operating system are hardware specific and
may not work on another computer. Further, with an OEM version, only the
computer retail outlet or manufacturer who installed it will be able to help
if a problem occurs. I don't know what you can do if you have purchased an
OEM version yourself and a problem occurs because it is not likely that the
place where you buy it can help. Microsoft will only help those possessing
retail versions. So buy a retail version and install it yourself. You won't
regret it.

In regard to using your copy of a Microsoft operating system on more than
one computer, that is illegal and Microsoft has incorporated an "Activation"
scheme on Windows XP to help prevent it. Will they know if you manage to
install it on more than one computer? Why do you ask?

Like the limit of one computer per copy of XP, the same is true for Office
Pro - so you will need to purchase multiple copies.

I am very surprised you didn't know this. Microsoft's licensing policies
have been in existence for a number of years now. Nothing new at all.

By the way, using your real e-mail address in newsgroups is risky.

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