ods calls business object then method calls ta with output params



I have the ods calling the business object. This is the method it is calling

public DataTable GetEditManager(string tab, string state, int rows, int
pageselected, int nbrpages, string sort, byte sortdir, int totaledits, string
int a = nbrpages;
int b = totaledits;

if (dtProv == null)
dtProv = taProv.GetData(tab, state, rows, pageselected, ref a,
sort, sortdir, ref b, userid);
return dtProv; //dtProv is a datatable


Here is the header of the sp:

CREATE procedure sp_web_edit_manager (
@tabselected varchar(5) -- which tab was selected
,@stateselected varchar(5) = null -- which state was selected, optional
,@nbr_edits int = 0 --Number of edits per page
,@page int = 1 --Which page should be returned
,@nbr_pages int =1 output --Let the app know how many pages there are
,@sort_option varchar(255) = 'edit_mast.edit_id' --How should we sort:
1=edit_id, 2=edit_name, 3=error_msg
,@desc tinyint = 0 --What is the sort order 0 = ascending, 1 = descending
,@total_edits int = 0 output --How many edits are there for this tab
,@user_id varchar(20) = 'Install'
) as

Now I need to call the stored proc which is inside of a xsd. The sp is inside
of the ta GetData. The params above nbrpages and totaledits are output params
in the sp. When I try to build the site I get this error message: cannot
convert from 'ref int' to 'out int?'. How do I get the method taProv.GetData
with its input and output params to call the stored proc?

andy6 via DotNetMonster.com

received errore: cannot convert from 'out int' to 'out int?'

Ummm, change it to out int instead of ref int?
I have the ods calling the business object. This is the method it is calling
[quoted text clipped - 32 lines]
convert from 'ref int' to 'out int?'. How do I get the method taProv.GetData
with its input and output params to call the stored proc?

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