odbc with vfp



I am new bie in asp.net and start my first asp.net.
my database is vfp , i need to create the ODBC connection and got two
(1)I cannot go to my client server to setup ODBC since the security level ,
they disallow me to touch the server.
can I create an odbc connection programmically ?? [ I can do it when I use
(2)in my global.asp .(it is the sql server connection sample)
'Session("ConnectionAuth") = "server=DTS-Server;Uid=hls;Pwd=honour;Initial
How about ODBC ??

thanks advance

Cindy Winegarden

Hi Agnes,

Have you considered using the FoxPro and Visual FoxPro OLE DB data provider,
downloadable from msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro/downloads/updates? A basic
connection string is "Provider = VfpOleDB.1;Data Source = D:\Temp;" . You'll
need quotes around the data source string if it has spaces in it.

I'm not sure what you mean about security on the server. The account the ASP
process runs under needs to have file permissions to the directory where the
DBFs are located.

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