Jim Bunton
I want
to present a user with the Login Dialogue for SqlServer Authorisation through an ODBC connection - 'JayRemote' after which I want access to tables linked through the ODBC driver to be without further login.
Public Sub PromptConnect()
Dim WkspcODBC As Workspace, NewCon As Connection
'Create ODBC workspace
Set WkspcODBC = CreateWorkspace("NewODBCWorkspace", "admin", "", dbUseODBC)
'Open New Connection to JayRemote
Set NewCon = WkspcODBC.OpenConnection("Test1", dbDriverPrompt, False, "ODBC;DSN=JayRemote")
'> This allows login [* see note below] BUT the data source dialogue has to be responded to first Before the Login Dialogue
Set NewCon = WkspcODBC.OpenConnection("Test1", dbDriverCompleteRequired , False, "ODBC;DSN=JayRemote")
'> ERROR 3146 ODBC connection failed
'??? WHY ??? - I think it's attempting Trusted SQL Server Login instead of Server Authorisation
If a linked table [linked through Jay Remote] is double clicked the first response is
'Connection failed' sql state 28000 server error 18452 - login failed, use of null. Not associated with Trusted sql server connection.
Then the login dialogue is displayed.with Trusted Connection checked.
After un-checking Trusted Login and logging in then any other linked table is opened without further need for the login dialogue.
SO - It seems that the code above may well be attempting a 'Trusted Login'. If so how do I persuade it not to do so but to go for Sql Server Authorisation
HOWEVER * although the code above allows a login STILL the first attempt to open a linked table requires an additional login!
Jim Bunton
to present a user with the Login Dialogue for SqlServer Authorisation through an ODBC connection - 'JayRemote' after which I want access to tables linked through the ODBC driver to be without further login.
Public Sub PromptConnect()
Dim WkspcODBC As Workspace, NewCon As Connection
'Create ODBC workspace
Set WkspcODBC = CreateWorkspace("NewODBCWorkspace", "admin", "", dbUseODBC)
'Open New Connection to JayRemote
Set NewCon = WkspcODBC.OpenConnection("Test1", dbDriverPrompt, False, "ODBC;DSN=JayRemote")
'> This allows login [* see note below] BUT the data source dialogue has to be responded to first Before the Login Dialogue
Set NewCon = WkspcODBC.OpenConnection("Test1", dbDriverCompleteRequired , False, "ODBC;DSN=JayRemote")
'> ERROR 3146 ODBC connection failed
'??? WHY ??? - I think it's attempting Trusted SQL Server Login instead of Server Authorisation
If a linked table [linked through Jay Remote] is double clicked the first response is
'Connection failed' sql state 28000 server error 18452 - login failed, use of null. Not associated with Trusted sql server connection.
Then the login dialogue is displayed.with Trusted Connection checked.
After un-checking Trusted Login and logging in then any other linked table is opened without further need for the login dialogue.
SO - It seems that the code above may well be attempting a 'Trusted Login'. If so how do I persuade it not to do so but to go for Sql Server Authorisation
HOWEVER * although the code above allows a login STILL the first attempt to open a linked table requires an additional login!
Jim Bunton