ODBC Call Failed



When I run the following code, I'm getting and ODBC--Call Failed error message on the recordset update. Can anyone provide any insight on why this may be happening? I'm connecting to a SQL server through Access 2002. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Dim Valu As Variant
Dim RecSet As dao.Recordset
Dim DB As dao.Database

Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RecSet = DB.OpenRecordset("dbo_ProductionData", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

For Each Valu In Me.List397.ItemsSelected
RecSet!ProductionCount.Value = 0
Next Valu


I fixed the problem. I forgot to make sure that the foreign key was inserted into each record before it was updated. (BIG duuuuh to me). Thanks!

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