Obtaining control under mouse


Johnny Jensen

Hello Group

In the old days i'ev created a VB6 appl. that was able to obtain the
underlaying control under the mouse pointer. I would very much like to do
that in a C# application. I'll use VS2005 and .Net 2.0

I'll know of the solution to code each control for the mouse over event, but
I cant use that i this case.

Any one outthere with som examples?

Kind regards
Johnny Jensen

Michael C

Johnny Jensen said:
Hello Group

In the old days i'ev created a VB6 appl. that was able to obtain the
underlaying control under the mouse pointer. I would very much like to do
that in a C# application. I'll use VS2005 and .Net 2.0

I'll know of the solution to code each control for the mouse over event,
but I cant use that i this case.

Any one outthere with som examples?

interate through the controls collection and attach the mousemove event for
every control and then use Control.GetChildAtPoint in the event to find the
control the mouse it over.


Johnny Jensen

Hey Michael

Thanks for replying and it gave me some hint, but mabye i'am a bit slow

Say that i'll have a label control on my form in the rectangle 20,20,120,36
on the forms mousemove event I read the x any y values to get the point, but
the secund i reach the label the forms mousemove no longer runs - now it is
the labels mousemove event that runs, and the reading of x,y will now be

So that way i'll never get the Control.GetChildAtPoint to be anything else
but null. but if i'll in the forms mousemove event get the x,y and look at
x+1,y-1 ( or something like that ) i'll get the control when i'am almost
over the label.

Could you give me some more hints?

Kind regards
Johnny Jensen

Ben Voigt

Johnny Jensen said:
Hey Michael

Thanks for replying and it gave me some hint, but mabye i'am a bit slow

Say that i'll have a label control on my form in the rectangle
20,20,120,36 on the forms mousemove event I read the x any y values to get
the point, but the secund i reach the label the forms mousemove no longer
runs - now it is the labels mousemove event that runs, and the reading of
x,y will now be wrong.

So that way i'll never get the Control.GetChildAtPoint to be anything else
but null. but if i'll in the forms mousemove event get the x,y and look at
x+1,y-1 ( or something like that ) i'll get the control when i'am almost
over the label.

Could you give me some more hints?

You can do:

MouseMove += Form_MouseMove;
foreach (Control c in Controls)
c.MouseMove += Form_MouseMove;

then in
void Form_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
sender is the control beneath the mouse (you can surely cast it to Control),
and e will contain the relative coordinates to the upper left of sender.

Michael C

Johnny Jensen said:
So that way i'll never get the Control.GetChildAtPoint to be anything else
but null. but if i'll in the forms mousemove event get the x,y and look at
x+1,y-1 ( or something like that ) i'll get the control when i'am almost
over the label.

Could you give me some more hints?

In addition to what Ben said, you should add label1.x and label1.y to your x
and y values.


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