Obtain difference between 2 dates >24 hrs in Hours & minutes



I would like to know how can I obtain a result of HOURS:MINUTES for the
total of all records in a form, where each record has two fields in the
format of "dd/mmm/yyyy/hh:nn AM/PM", one for "aircraft take off" the other
"aircraft landing". Each record on the form represents a seperate aircraft
mission, which may cover several days of logging the data. One record entry
example would be aircraft takes off 20 jan 2006 02:00 PM and lands at 21 Jan
05:00 AM; and I enter several entries like this for the month. I want to be
able to obtain the total in Hours:Minutes in the form footer(this is greater
than 24hrs, and more than several days). So how do I go in obtaining the
result I want. Respond to (e-mail address removed) would be appreciated.

Allen Browne

Use DateDiff("n", ...) to calculate the difference in minutes.
You can then show the Hour:Minute string if you wish.

Calculating elapsed time

BTW, we generally don't email people directly any more, as we prefer not to
find ourselves on spammer's lists.

Douglas J. Steele

Allen Browne said:
BTW, we generally don't email people directly any more, as we prefer not
to find ourselves on spammer's lists.

And I think Galaxy455 is going to find him/herself on a lot of spammer's
lists now that his/her e-mail has been published in clear text on the

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