Object moved to here



In one of my asp.net apps a response.redirect is sometimes resulting in the
blank page with "Object moved to here." I've tried repsonse.clear and
response.buffer (true & false) but still get this error sproadically.
Understand this was problem in some older versions of browsers...I'm using


John Timney \(Microsoft MVP\)

'Response.BufferOutput = true has to be placed directly before the redirect


John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director
Microsoft MVP

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Brad,

It seems that the problem you met is an existing issue of the Internet
Explorer, here is the related kb article:

#Internet Explorer Returns Error Message When Being Redirected

Please have a look to see whether it helps. Thanks.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Brad,

Yes, the kb article is provided for IE4, 5, but based on my research, there
seems has some former issues dicussing on the same problem and the IE
version is 6. So I think you can have a try on the workarounds in the kb
article or even try requesting the hotfix mentioned in it. Thanks.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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John Timney \(Microsoft MVP\)

Also, if the KB article Steven suggests doesn't help you:

The actual cause is that your output is being seen as non-buffered data by
the browser. Thus, the response contains two packets of resulting data, the
first being a 302 Object Moved HTTP response. IE gets the first packet and
starts to redirect (correctly based on the HTTP header) and then receives
the second packet and stops the redirect, hence the moved message.

A workaround is to add an ihttpmodule to the chain that adds a html meta
refresh instead of using a response.redirect to the actual page output, thus
the browser actually receives the completed output terminated with a
response.end and on receiving the completed stream correctly moves to the
new page. This should work for all IE instances.

John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director
Microsoft MVP

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Brad,

Have you had a chance to check out the suggestions in my last reply or have
you got any further ideas on this issue? If there're anything else we can
help, please feel free to post here. Thanks.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
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