object error



I am receiving an object error when I run this procedure. I'm not sure why.
It does the calculation. I have posted the procedure that calls the function.


Private Sub DivideCells()

Dim value As Double

value = 1000

DivideRange(Range("C15:V15"), value) = Range("C15:V15").value

End Sub

Function DivideRange(myRange As Range, myValue)

Dim myCell As Range

For Each myCell In myRange
myCell.value = myCell / myValue
Next myCell

End Function


Hi Monique -

You've probably tried this. Change DivideRange to a PRIVATE SUB accepting
arguements then call DivideRange in your code. It gets you the same result
without the error.

Sub DivideCells()
Dim value As Double

value = 1000
Call DivideRange(Range("c15:g15"), value)
End Sub

Private Sub DivideRange(myRange As Range, myValue)
Dim myCell As Range

For Each myCell In myRange
myCell.value = myCell / myValue
Next myCell

End Sub

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