Numbering by Name



I've got a list of quality observations for many individuals & I want to
number the observations by name, & date. I also need the numbering to restart
with each new month. Results should be something like:

Name Month Obs#
David Jan 1
David Jan 2
David Jan 3
David Feb 1
Alex Jan 1
Alex Jan 2
Alex Feb 1



Post the table structure, field names and datatype, where the observations
are recorded.
Post sample data.
Post what you would want the results to look like.

John Spencer

BY name and date -
Assuming that there is an actual date and not just a month name and there is
only one record for any name and date combination then

SELECT [Name], Month([Date]) as MonthName
, 1 + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM YourTable as Tmp
WHERE Tmp.[Name] = YourTable.[Name]
And Month(Tmp.[Date]) = Month(YourTable.[Date])
AND Tmp.[Date] < YourTable.[Date]) as Rank
FROM YourTable

Of course, if you have more than one year's worth of data, then you need to
change all the Month([Date]) to Format([Date],"yymm").

This will be slow. You might find the following faster, but no guarantee

SELECT X.[Name], Format(X.[Date],"yymm") as MonthName, Count(Tmp.Date) as Rank
FROM YOURTable as Y LEFT JOIN YourTable as X
ON Y.Name = X.Name
and Format(Y.Date,"yymm") = Format(X.Date,"yymm")
AND Y.Date <= X.Date
GROUP BY X.[Name], Format(X.[Date],"yymm")

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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