Numbering a filtered list



I have two columns in a spreadsheet "Quantity" and "Item". I filter
the quantity column to select only the "nonblanks". After this step I
want to copy these two columns and paste them into a Word document.
Once it's in Word I want to insert a column to the left of the
quantity column and format it with "bullets & numbering" so I can
number the items 1. through whatever. Problem is, the numbering
behaves as if the blanks are still there so it skips around.

I do not want to delete the blank rows in the original spreadsheet
where the quantity is blank because they may be needed at a later

Any suggestions how I can get these two columns into Word and be able
to number them sequentially?


After filtering in Excel, highlight the visible data and use Copy/
Paste to another sheet - only the filtered data will be copied, so you
can then add you numbers in Excel to this copy and then move it over
to Word.

Hope this helps.


Debra Dalgleish

If you copied the autofiltered list, it should only paste the visible
rows in Word.
However, to make sure only the visible cells are copied:
Select all the cells in the filtered table
Choose Edit>Go To, and click the Special button
Select Visible Cells Only, and click OK
Choose Edit>Copy, then paste in Word

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