Numbered scale spaced by interval defined by nos in column



I have an Excel chart of two columns of numbers. One column has
angular values (from 1 degree to 45 degrees) that are to be spaced by
intervals specified by numbers in the second column (1.3 inches to
14.1 inches).

Is there a program that will place numbers specified in the first
column by the intervals spcified in the second column. For example,
say that the numbers were:
deg inches
1 1.3
10 4.1
15 5.7
20 6.3

Is there a program that will place the 1 degree at 1.3 inches above a
reference point in a column, 10 degrees at 4.1 inches above a reference
point, 15 degrees 5.7 inches above a reference point and so on.

15 (---------------5.7 inches)

10 (----------------4.1 inches)

1 (-----------------1.3 inches)

---------------------------------------0 inches

John Nurick

There are so many ways of doing this it would be tedious to list them.
For starters, you could set up an Excel chart, or write VBA code to
create and control the position of shapes on an Excel chart or
worksheet. Or you could use Visio or even Word or PowerPoint.

If you want to do it on an Access form, post back here. Otherwise,
you're more likely to get a useful answer if you post in a forum for
Excel (or whatever other software you propose to use).


John said:
There are so many ways of doing this it would be tedious to list them.
For starters, you could set up an Excel chart, or write VBA code to
create and control the position of shapes on an Excel chart or
worksheet. Or you could use Visio or even Word or PowerPoint.

If you want to do it on an Access form, post back here. Otherwise,
you're more likely to get a useful answer if you post in a forum for
Excel (or whatever other software you propose to use).

I am interested in using any approach. I have Access, but have not
personally used it. But that won't stop me. Even if I don't use
Access to do it, I would be interested in the approach concept you
suggest. Keep in mind that I am looking for a very accurate inch scale
that has the corresponding DEGREES in the second column replacing the
inch scale in the first, but I want the degree position printed
accurately. How accurately? For now I would just like to know how I
could print it out. I can finesse with it after I get a good looking
scale that is able to be printed.

John Nurick

If exact size is a concern I'd be inclined to avoid Access and Excel,
and go for Visio or a VBA-compatible CAD program. With these, the
accuracy is limited by whatever printer you're using and the dimensional
stability of the paper, and I guess it'd be of the order of 100


John said:
If exact size is a concern I'd be inclined to avoid Access and Excel,
and go for Visio or a VBA-compatible CAD program. With these, the
accuracy is limited by whatever printer you're using and the dimensional
stability of the paper, and I guess it'd be of the order of 100

Great! I am using Visio very strongly right now. I still don't have a
clue as to how to accomplish this automatically with VISIO. Can you
enumerate the steps? I could manually take the degrees and position
them on a grid that is in inches. Is that what you have in mind?
Maybe that is my best bet anyway to get it to look like a polished

John Nurick

Basically I'd do something along these lines. For the details, consult
the Visio documentation or ask in a Visio newsgroup.

1) Create a Visio document with the coordinates of the drawing page the
way you need them (e.g. if you have a horizontal line whose Y coordinate
is 5 inches, this appears exactly 5 inches above whatever your baseline
is). Include any other standing matter.

2) Create and save custom Visio shape containing a textbox for the
degrees and any other lines or boxes or anything that you want. Set the
shape's dimensional reference point (I can't remember the proper name
for it) so that if the Y coordinate of the shape is 5 inches, the number
in the textbox appears exactly 5 inches above your baseline.

3) Write VBA code that gets each inch/degree pair from your data source
and creates and positions one of the custom shapes for each.

4) If necessary, add any other stuff to the Visio drawing, then save and
print it.

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