Number formatting



Hi Y'all'

I have a small problem with formatting and not sure if it's FP or SQL that
is causing the problem.

I have .asp pages that are getting information form either SQL tables or
views. The only problem is I have no formatting therefore on the .asp page
large numbers just appear as 1 number i.e. 123456 when I want it to appear
123,456 etc.

Does that make any sense? I really would appreciate any pointer on this as
I am being asked to provide these type of webpages more & more



Kevin Spencer

Use the VBScript FormatNumber() function:

FormatNumber(Expression [,NumDigitsAfterDecimal [,IncludeLeadingDigit
[,UseParensForNegativeNumbers [,GroupDigits]]]])

The parameters are all optional, except for the "Expression" parameter,
which is the numeric value to be formatted.

NumDigitsAfterDecimal - Number of digits to display after the decimal point.
Default is -1, which is to use the computer's regional settings

IncludeLeadingDigit - TriState value indicating whether a leading zero is
used with fractional values

UseParensForNegativeNumbers - TriState value indicating whether or not to
enclose negative numbers in parentheses.

GroupDigits- TriState value indicating whether or not to group digits using
the group delimiter specified in Control Panel.


-1 = TriStateTrue
0 = TriStateFalse
-2 = TriStateUseDefault


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

Thomas A. Rowe

You have to use ASP to format the numbers, not a FP issue.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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