

Chuck Hecht

I am getting the "NullReferenceException" error on this line

foundRow = dsScannerdata.Tables("dtReceivePdai").Rows.Find(mykey)

in the following code.

All of the values in the mykey field are unique and there are not blank

Any help is appreicated!!!!!!!

*******code to find the record in the table********

Dim mykey As String = gMykey.ToString

Dim foundRow As DataRow

foundRow = dsScannerdata.Tables("dtReceivePdai").Rows.Find(mykey)

If foundRow IsNot Nothing Then



MsgBox("A row with the primary key of " & mykey & " could not be found")

End If

mykey is the primary key in the table receivepdai

*******code for primary key field********

Dim dcmykey(1) As DataColumn

dcmykey(0) = New DataColumn("mykey", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))


dtReceivePdai.PrimaryKey = dcmykey

Ilya Tumanov [MS]

Most likley because there's no table called "dtReceivePdai" in this DataSet.
Or may be there's no dsScannerdata.
You should use debugger to figure out which object you actually don't have.

Best regards,


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