


I had a problem when reinstalling Windows 2000. After applying service pack 4, I rebooted and got the "NTLDR missing" message. I created a boot disk, and can boot in with that. Whne looking on the Microsoft support page for this error, they mention the boot disk is a workaround, and to solve the problem you need a "bcupdate2" utility from Microsoft

Does anyone know where to get this file? I do not want to purchase 3 months of support to get 1 file, since I know what the problem is already, and the solution! I tried all the Microsoft download pages, and found nothing. I guess the boot disk will suffice, but I would like to get the file and fix this once and for all. Thanks in advance for any insight


Leonard Severt [MSFT]

I had a problem when reinstalling Windows 2000. After applying
service pack 4, I rebooted and got the "NTLDR missing" message. I
created a boot disk, and can boot in with that. Whne looking on the
Microsoft support page for this error, they mention the boot disk is a
workaround, and to solve the problem you need a "bcupdate2" utility
from Microsoft.

Does anyone know where to get this file? I do not want to purchase 3
months of support to get 1 file, since I know what the problem is
already, and the solution! I tried all the Microsoft download pages,
and found nothing. I guess the boot disk will suffice, but I would
like to get the file and fix this once and for all. Thanks in advance
for any insight.


How did you create your partition and install Windows 2000? Since you are
running SP4 you do not need bcupdate2, that is not your problem. Instead
try booting to recovery console. From there run


There is a good chance that will fix it. If not there is a problem with
your hidden sectors or something like that in your NTFS bootsector.

Leonard Severt

Windows 2000 Server Setup Team

Leonard Severt [MSFT]

I had a problem when reinstalling Windows 2000. After applying
service pack 4, I rebooted and got the "NTLDR missing" message. I
created a boot disk, and can boot in with that. Whne looking on the
Microsoft support page for this error, they mention the boot disk is a
workaround, and to solve the problem you need a "bcupdate2" utility
from Microsoft.

Does anyone know where to get this file? I do not want to purchase 3
months of support to get 1 file, since I know what the problem is
already, and the solution! I tried all the Microsoft download pages,
and found nothing. I guess the boot disk will suffice, but I would
like to get the file and fix this once and for all. Thanks in advance
for any insight.


Oh and forget to mention something. If you had needed bcupdate2 it would
not have required you to purchace support. A case to get a hotfix like that
is always free.

Leonard Severt

Windows 2000 Server Setup Team


Thanks for the advice..I will try the commands from the recovery console. It only happened after installing SP4, so I assumed it was tied to that, before that, Win2K loaded just fine

For future reference, how would I get that file from Microsoft? I looked everywhere on the download pages, and could not find it anywhere. Would I have to call them? When I clicked the link to the "how to contact Microsoft for the file" link, it brought me to a page asking me to pick support options. That's actually how I got to here, using the Communities link. I assumed any other option I would have to pay the price listed. I apologize if I mis-spoke, but I've never had to get anything from Microsoft before, and when I get asked to pay for support, I usually close the page!!

Leonard Severt [MSFT]

Thanks for the advice..I will try the commands from the recovery
console. It only happened after installing SP4, so I assumed it was
tied to that, before that, Win2K loaded just fine.

For future reference, how would I get that file from Microsoft? I
looked everywhere on the download pages, and could not find it
anywhere. Would I have to call them? When I clicked the link to the
"how to contact Microsoft for the file" link, it brought me to a page
asking me to pick support options. That's actually how I got to here,
using the Communities link. I assumed any other option I would have
to pay the price listed. I apologize if I mis-spoke, but I've never
had to get anything from Microsoft before, and when I get asked to pay
for support, I usually close the page!!

I didn't realize that this happened after installing SP4. Have you actually
checked that ntldr is there? Maybe when it was being updated there was a
problem although I have never seen this issue involved with installing SP4.

Yes to get a hotfix you would call the Microsoft support number to create a
support incident. Tell them you are calling to get a hotfix and they will
create a free case for you. Then they will transfer you to someone like me
who will send the file to you and make certain it gets installed.

Leonard Severt

Windows 2000 Server Setup Team

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