


I have a Seagate Barracuda 60 G hard drive with WinXp. When I try to boot I
get the message "Windows could not start because the following file is
missing or corrupt: System32\Drivers\Ntfs.sys". This is using a AMD 2400 and
512 Mg DDR PC3200.
I can put the hard drive in another computer and it will boot just fine. I
have tried using a different motherboard to no avail. If I try to boot from
the CD it gets to the point of copying Debugger.dll and stops. Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Thanks for the advice but the problem is that I cant get it to boot with the
CD. It gets to Kernel Debugger.dll and freezes. The hard drive works just
fine in another machine so I don't suspect thtat it is the hard drive or the
file system itself that is bad. I have switched mainboards and cables and
memory even though all components are new, including the processor.


Why would it work in another system, but not with a change of mainboards
(was it same model/chipset)? Was XP installed on the other system and
the drive moved?
Install CD device set as primary device on secondary channel and no
extra peripherals attached to system?
Reverse the question then, does that system boot another drive, or to
Verified BIOS recognition/settings, and reset DMI (or configuration
data), Virus check off, checked for BIOS issues at motherboard/OEM site?
Jumpers verified on MB and drives?


Roger that Billy, thanks for the prompt response. I have installed three
other hard drives into the system and have had the same response with all
three drives which leads me to think that this is either a bad processor (
even though it is brand new) or the memory is bad, (also new). If I try to
reinstall the O/S on any of the other drives it gets to Kernel Debug.dll and
freezes. Beats the heck out of me. I have built more than a few machines but
I have never come across this particular problem before.

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