
Ok, here's the deal:
Windows died.
I ran the reinstall.
At first I got an error with /system32/NTDll.dll
I remembered how to fix this and removed my slave drive
I ran the instlal, and it worked
during the second stage of the install, it crashed.
Now I am getting that NTDll again, but the slave drive isn't plugged in.
I plugged in the slave drive, still don't work (didn't think it would, but
it was worth a shot...)
Now even Linux won't boot, and I'm stuck using a LiveCD (something windows
REALLY needs to have...)
SO...anyone got any bright ideas?
PLEASE email any to me at (e-mail address removed) ...I can never find my posts
again on this stupid message boards...

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Urza9814 said:
Ok, here's the deal:
Windows died.
I ran the reinstall.
At first I got an error with /system32/NTDll.dll
I remembered how to fix this and removed my slave drive
I ran the instlal, and it worked
during the second stage of the install, it crashed.
Now I am getting that NTDll again, but the slave drive isn't plugged in.
I plugged in the slave drive, still don't work (didn't think it would, but
it was worth a shot...)
Now even Linux won't boot, and I'm stuck using a LiveCD (something windows
REALLY needs to have...)
SO...anyone got any bright ideas?
PLEASE email any to me at (e-mail address removed) ...I can never find my posts
again on this stupid message boards...

Rather than installing WinXP over the top of your existing
installation, I recommend a fresh installation onto a formatted
disk. This will most likely resolve your problem.

I don't know LiveCD but I suspect it is something similar to
Bart's PE Boot CD (www.bootdisk.com). Highly recommended!

About the message board: It depends what news reader you use,
and how much you have familiarised yourself with its operation.
Mine lets me flag messages I wish to keep track of. Few respondents
will mail replies to individuals, for obvious reasons. There is a
downside for you too: By publishing your address you have
turned yourself into a ready target for spammers.


Live CD != boot disk. Live CD is a disk that contains teh actual OS that can
be run on boot. In other words, you don't even need a hard drive and you have
a fully functioning OS

thanks, I'll try a reformat...eventually...when I get to it... :p

Pegasus \(MVP\)

This is more or less what the Bard PE CD does.

Urza9814 said:
Live CD != boot disk. Live CD is a disk that contains teh actual OS that can
be run on boot. In other words, you don't even need a hard drive and you have
a fully functioning OS

thanks, I'll try a reformat...eventually...when I get to it... :p


Ok, I totally reformatted my C:\ drive...and it still doesn't work. Any other

....wait...I built this comp...meaning I have all the drivers...meaning I can
go back to win '98 if this don't work! probably will eventually
anyways...but...I don't want to yet...for some reason...lol

Pegasus \(MVP\)

I misspelt the name in my second reply. It's "Bart", not "Bard". Try

Please give an exact description of the problem you experience
when installing WinXP onto a blank disk. Are you using an genuine
WinXP installation CD or could it be a clone?


Aurgh! I put in the '98 CD, and it won't boot either...I think I had to use a
floppy last time or start it from windows...and I don't have a floppy drive
anymore...fried teh controller...soo...WTF DO I DO NOW??????
why did I never have these problems before XP... >:blush:

Pegasus \(MVP\)

You appear to have massive hardware problems -
nothing to do with Windows. Replace your motherboard!


Hmm, that's odd. If I have massive hardware problems, then why does Linux
still work (just won't start X...I blame the windows installer for that
though :p)

No, actually, I got it working...somehow after reinstalling Linux it started
working again...lol...my guess is it was some problem with the MBR or
something...only explination I can think of....

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