NT4 / Microsoft Exchange / Outlook Setup



When I attempt to setup Outlook first the first time, I'm receiving a prompt
for a username and password after I enter the mailbox user name and tell
Outlook to search for the name. The password box pops up with the name of the
computer already in place. I delete it and enter appropriate username and
password to setup account, and box returns with computer name and backslash
prefixed to the username.

I ran into a similar issue with Vista, but that setup wasn't criticial, this
one is. Any help much appreciated.

Mike J.


I am able to log onto our server and access all drives with the eception of
one which is installed on another computer. In that case I experience the
same login issues as with Exchange 5.5.


I think the first thing would be to examine what the exact domain setup us.
This situation generally arises if the domain your computer is joined-to is
not the same domain hosting the Exchange server.

If there are two distinct domains, then the authentication details might not
match the mailbox details. In which case this question comes-up.

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