NT/XP network?


Hank Mishkoff

I'm trying to network my NT4 server box with my XP Home and XP Server
boxes. I can't seem to get the XP boxes to talk to the NT box. I
haven't really started to research the problem, but I wanted to check
first: Is it possible to network XP boxes with NT4 boxes?

Thanks for your help!


Hank Mishkoff said:
I'm trying to network my NT4 server box with my XP Home and XP Server
boxes. I can't seem to get the XP boxes to talk to the NT box. I
haven't really started to research the problem, but I wanted to check
first: Is it possible to network XP boxes with NT4 boxes?

Thanks for your help!


Bruce Chambers

Hank said:
I'm trying to network my NT4 server box with my XP Home and XP Server
boxes. I can't seem to get the XP boxes to talk to the NT box. I
haven't really started to research the problem, but I wanted to check
first: Is it possible to network XP boxes with NT4 boxes?

Thanks for your help!

Well, there's certainly no such thing as an "XP Server," but WinXP Pro
(not HOME) workstations can be made part of a WinNT domain:

Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Is Recommended for Windows XP Clients


Bruce Chambers

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~ Denis Diderot


Hank said:
I'm trying to network my NT4 server box with my XP Home and XP Server
boxes. I can't seem to get the XP boxes to talk to the NT box. I
haven't really started to research the problem, but I wanted to check
first: Is it possible to network XP boxes with NT4 boxes?

Thanks for your help!

Domain wise? No, windowsxp home does not support domains. That's why
it's called home. You might be able to use shares by entering a correct
username/password, but that's more or less it.

Never heared of XP server.


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