
1.Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not create buffers. Restart the computer. Access is denied.-2. The Point to Point Protocol module C:\WINDOWS\System32\rastls.dll returned an error while initializing. The request is not supported. - 3. Syntax error in manifest or policy file "C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\Policies\x8 6_Policy.6.0.Microsoft.Windows .Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf 1df_x-ww_5ddad775\ icy" on line 9. The root or application manifest contains the noInherit element but the dependent assembly manifest does not contain the noInheritable element. Application manifests which contain the noInherit element may only depend on assemblies which are noInheritable. ****I keep getting all these error log messages and I haven't got a clue on how to go about fixing them PLEASE HELP SOMEONE. _

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