Now the truth starts to shine....>Malware will thrive, even with Vista's UAC

  • Thread starter Thread starter Former captain of the Enterprise
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Former captain of the Enterprise

Guys what have I been telling you all along.. vista will have MORE attacks
than XP
ever had... because... JUST BECAUSE everything about vista is arrogant...
and hackers smack down arrogance, because... JUST BECAUSE vista claims
that it is more secure, that is a challenge to them to prove how crappy
vista really is.. We all saw what happened with the cursor exploit
thing, making Vista explorer crash again and again... did you see the
youtube video???
What a fiasco... vista secure.? I don't think so......,_even_with_Vista?s_UAC

Despite all the anti-malware roadblocks built into Windows Vista, a senior
Microsoft official is lowering the security expectations, warning that
viruses, password-stealing Trojans and rootkits will continue to thrive as
malware authors adapt to the new operating system.

Mark Russinovich (right), technical fellow in Microsoft's Platform and
Services Division, used the spotlight of the CanSecWest security conference
in Vancouver to discuss the implementation of UAC (User Account Control) in
Windows Vista and made it clear that the feature is not meant to be a
security barrier.

"It's a best effort to raise the bar and stop malware from making changes to
the operating system but it's not a security boundary," Russinovich said of
UAC, the oft-criticized mechanism that requires that all users run without
full admin rights.

In a straightforward assessment of the threat landscape in a Vista world,
Russinovich described malware authors as ISVs that will code for a standard
user environment.

"There is no guarantee that malware can't hijack the elevation process or
compromise an elevated application," Russinovich said after providing a
blow-by-blow description of how UAC works in tandem with Internet Explorer
(with Protected Mode) to limit the damage from malicious files.

Even in a standard user world, he stressed that malware can still read all
the user's data; can still hide with user-mode rootkits; and can still
control which applications (anti-virus scanners) the user can access.

"We'll see malware developing its own elevation techniques," Russinovich
said. He demonstrated a social engineering attack scenario where a fake
elevation prompt can be used to trick users into clicking "allow" to give
elevated rights to a malicious file.

He predicted a world where malware authors create programs that elevate
rights to jump accounts and disable security or develop general and
application-specific elevation hijacking.

"You will see malware spoofing over-the-shoulder credential prompt and even
launching a medium integrity level process int he administrator's account,"
Russinovich said.

At this level, the malware author has access to all the administrators data
and can inject itself into the admin's account (e.g. the Runkey) to use
additional elevation techniques.

"The malware author will say, 'I can live in a Vista world without needing
to take over the entire box'. They will end up thriving in the standard user
environment, setting up botnets, grabbing your keystrokes," he declared.

An official study by the Government has concluded that people who cross post
about other operating systems have been abused as children. It was amazing.
I didn't even know that the study existed, but there it is, in black and
white. I tried to download it, but when I attached to the Ubuntu system,
everything crashed and my system was hosed.

Maybe if I could just find an Ubuntu expert......
Ubuntu stinks for desktop use!... perhaps you were abused since you
mentioned it?

I am a Microsoft fan.. I love good microsoft products... and here is one for


XP is better than vista and linux and macosx (for various reasons) for the
mass desktop use.
An official study by the Government has concluded that people who
cross post about other operating systems have been abused as children.
It was amazing. I didn't even know that the study existed, but there
it is, in black and white. I tried to download it, but when I
attached to the Ubuntu system, everything crashed and my system was

Maybe if I could just find an Ubuntu expert......

"In a study of people brainlessly defending Vista has concluded that ANY
article from ANY source is not good enough and are ALL littered with
inconsistancies and are ALL written by Linux 'zealots'. In another study,
it is shown that of 99% of the people responding to posts that include
links to articles about the not-so-good points of Vista never even bother
to read the article first to determine their worth, no matter what the

Might I ask why this article has anything to do with Linux ? It has
solely to do with Vista, and, OH!, this IS a Vista newsgroup.

Again, anything bad said/posted about Vista automatically makes the
person a Linux zealot ? I've read numerous times where the OP claims they
do not use Linux, but Windows XP, a fine product.

Did you even read the article ? The words 'Linux', 'Mac', and
'alternative OS' were never even mentioned anywhere on the page.

OK, so now attack the source of the article, which is another standard
procedure for some of you people here.

Incidentally, the original link posted by Kirk was just a re-post of an
article from ZDNet, (about 1.3 of the
way down the page). Oh....wait....ZDNet is not reliable either right
?....give me a break.
Former said:
Mark Russinovich (right), technical fellow in Microsoft's Platform and
Services Division, used the spotlight of the CanSecWest security
conference in Vancouver to discuss the implementation of UAC (User Account
Control) in Windows Vista and made it clear that the feature is not meant
to be a security barrier.
Of course not. UAC is there to annoy the end-user and lead the Wintards
around here to believe that Microsoft gives a shit about security.
Microsoft has had years and years and years and billions upon billions of
dollars to build a secure operating system, yet appears either incapable or
more likely doesn't care. Thanks to Microsoft, the Net is getting almost
unusable with millions of Windoze compromised boxes flooding the pipes with
spam and DOS attacks. Web servers are being strangled by scriptkiddies
trying to get at Sea Drives. Windoze shouldn't even be allowed to connect
to the Net. It costs everyone billions of dollars because Microsoft has let
lose its creations. I predict that the whole situation is going to get so
desperate that governments are going to outlaw Microsoft products from
connecting to the Net. Just wait and see. That is, those governments that
Microsoft doesn't already own.

Love and Kisses,