now() date problem



i have an update query where i am trying to set a date to today's date - to
do so i thought i could set the field in the update query to update to now()
but when i do this it updates in general date format, not medium date format
which is what i need because i run further macros off of this date. i
thought i could fix this by going into the design of the query and changing
the property of the field to medium date - this did not work and lastly the
field that it is updating in my table is also formatted as medium date. the
date still updates to the general date format. is there any way to fix this?
is there a command other than now() which will give me today's date in medium
date format? many thanks.

Sandra Daigle

Try using the date() function instead of now(). Date returns date only, Now
returns date and time.

Rick B

Note that the if you are storing this in a date/time field, it is not
storing it in medium date format, it is stop\ring it as a number that
represents the date. You can display that in any date format you wish.

In your forms, queries, or reports, you can use the format to display that
date in any format you wish.

If you are storing this in a text field, that is a different issue.

Rick B

"(e-mail address removed)"

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