NOTIFY window to pop-up on a multi-user db



Hello, and thanks in advance,

I have set up security on my shared database, specifically for only one user
to have access at any given time. I do not want back-end or front-end, split
db or anything of that nature. Just need to have one user use the DB at a
time, to maintain sanity.

What I have so far is a workgroup that is able to open the database one user
at a time~yeah~ However, what currently happens is when user1 is logged in,
user2 is unaware of user1, and is not notified it is being used which makes
user2 think the db link is not working.

What I would like is to have a pop-up 'notify' window inform user2 that the
database is currently open by user1 and to try again later. How and where
do I
enter this function/option, or how can I set it up so it opens as read-only
for user2 with a and pop-up 'notify' when database becomes available.


Pieter Wijnen

A way I once did it was by creating a temporary database on opening of the
db (used for importdata).
If It existed & I wasn't able to delete it, well somebody else was in.
Another way is by checking the user rooster (example to be found at, I think)
thirdly checking for & attemting to delete the backend's ldb is an option
(if you do it before accessing any data), which is basically the same as
approach 1.



Douglas J. Steele

You're correct that putting a wrapper around the database is an approach to
keeping subsequent users out. However, all of the approaches you've
suggested would appear either to require the use of another tool (to check
for the existence of the .ldb file, or to read it, before opening the
database), or that you be able to open the database, then close it if it
isn't okay for the current user to be there.

I guess I was concentrating on the "set it up so it opens as read-only for
user2 with a and pop-up 'notify' when database becomes available." (like
Word or Excel offer) part of the request.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

"Pieter Wijnen"

Pieter Wijnen

I understood that <g>
It's even possible to do that by putting a timer on the "sorry sam" dialog
form to check ever so often & thus emulate the Word/Excel feature
hmmm, maybe I'll make make one of those ....


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