notification windows "flying through" with customized desktop


petr antos

BUG! - flying notification windows runs from bottom to
top of screen quickly (and unreadable) when user has
Start-panel docked at left side of screen as I have.
PLEASE, CAN YOU CORRECT THIS BUG? .......... See "mixworx
approach desktop" where this occurs (antispyware
alert/notify windows fly from right-bottom to right-top
corner of screen):
mad.png ............ I am using this scenario since
W98SE, together with Office Shortcut bar to provide
shrinked maximized desktop area with always
visible/clickable Start-button, tray-icons
and "ontopable" task panel containing clean sequence of
opened tasks with as much as possible title text visible
(vertical Start-panel "NOT always on top" and horizontal
ShortcutBar "always on top"). Currently I have my own
AppBar done in integrated language/database
VM/IDE "Suneido" and I have repositioned tray icons area
too, similary as on previous windows desktop shells
(sorry, I am simply dependent on this and until
suneido "extreme prototyping" possibilities, I dont liked
WinXP mainly due this for me very ugly shell behavior
change, BTW - I like W2K more forever :)

Bill Sanderson

I'm reasonably sure this will be fixed with beta2. For now, it happens with
vertical taskbars, and not with horizontal taskbars.

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