Notes sizes



I make considerable use of notes in Outlook, but all of a sudden and with my having no idea of how it happended, all my notes are now displayed as a Full Screen - i.e. they fill the full extent of the screen and have resisted all attempts to reduced them down to their usual Post-It note size. I can see the diagonal lines in the bottom right hand corner for resizing using the cursor (just about), but the cursor only picks up the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen and tries to re-size that. Altering the note size in the Tools > Options menu has no effect.

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Have you tried double-clicking the title bar of the note to "restore" it to
a workable size?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Thanks Jocelyn - all the years I have used windows I never knew that double-clicking the title bar re-sized the pane you were using.

Best wishes for 2004

Adrian Cross

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