Notepad++ - my favourite PHP/HTML editor



There are few things I have tried more of than text editors.
Notepad++ stands out in being small but full-featured

My favourite feature is that in PHP it highlights matching brackets, and
I have not seen that in a lot of others. This really simplifies
understanding complex if/else structures.

While it does not offer FTP like crimson editor, I really think it
should be listed as pricelessware.


There are few things I have tried more of than text editors.
Notepad++ stands out in being small but full-featured

My favourite feature is that in PHP it highlights matching brackets, and
I have not seen that in a lot of others. This really simplifies
understanding complex if/else structures.

While it does not offer FTP like crimson editor, I really think it
should be listed as pricelessware.


froodnet said:
There are few things I have tried more of than text editors.
Notepad++ stands out in being small but full-featured

My favourite feature is that in PHP it highlights matching brackets,
and I have not seen that in a lot of others. This really simplifies
understanding complex if/else structures.

While it does not offer FTP like crimson editor, I really think it
should be listed as pricelessware.

I agree. It has the best ASP hightlighting too with its mixture of
possible different syntaxes like VBSCript and JSCript, etc.


Roger Johansson

Agree with the PSPad recommendation. To the OP: I just checked, it
highlights matching brackets too, can even customize the color :)

The big problem with PsPad is that you cannot use proportional fonts,
just ugly and hard to read fixed fonts. Otherwise it has many nice

I just tried Notepad++, and it looks good. I set it to a usable
background color (not bright white) and Times New Roman p14.

It runs from its own folder without installation. A good start.

mike ring

I just tried Notepad++, and it looks good. I set it to a usable
background color (not bright white) and Times New Roman p14.

It runs from its own folder without installation. A good start.
And MUCH smaller.

I want Father Christmas to bring me a teensy notepad that only handles web
authoring, I'm much too dim for the other languages.

Come to that, I'm too dim for CSS...



Roger Johansson said:
The big problem with PsPad is that you cannot use proportional
fonts, just ugly and hard to read fixed fonts. Otherwise it has
many nice features.

Hello Roger,

Afaik, PsPad is first and foremost intended to be a code editor.
Therefore it looks quite normal that most of its users use it with
fixed sized fonts, doesn't ?

Roger Johansson

Antoine said:
Afaik, PsPad is first and foremost intended to be a code editor.
Therefore it looks quite normal that most of its users use it with
fixed sized fonts, doesn't ?

No, there isn't.

Roger Johansson

There is no reason why an editor, even if it is mainly intended for
writing program code, should stop people from using any kind of font
they prefer.

If you have another meaning please explain why.


Roger Johansson said:
There is no reason why an editor, even if it is mainly intended
for writing program code, should stop people from using any kind
of font they prefer.

This non-fixedsized fonts lack of support looks to be a bug indeed
but which people using PsPad as a code editor probably don't care

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