notepad installation



windows xp notepad has been deleted from my computer, can I install it again ?

Tim Slattery

shyeys said:
windows xp notepad has been deleted from my computer, can I install it again ?

What Ron said. Note pad is *very* limited, and there are many free
replacements that are much more capable. Here are two I've liked:


jEdit was designed to be extremely easy to extend, and there are many
plugins available. The program has a plugin manager, you simply tell
it which ones you want and it gets them and installs them. You just
sit and watch.

Ken Blake, MVP

windows xp notepad has been deleted from my computer, can I install it again ?

Read Ron's and Tim's answers for good advice, but let me also add the

How do you know it's been deleted? Are you sure that the program is
deleted, or might it just be that the shortcut to it you were using is

My guess is that it's the shortcut that's gone. To verify this, hold
down the Windows key, and press the R key. In the Run dialog that
comes up, type notepad

Does notepad start? If so, it hasn't been deleted, it's just the
shortcut that's missing. If that's the case, write back for
instructions as to how to get the shortcut back and tell us where you
want the shortcut (desktop, Quick Launch Bar, or Start Menu).


thank you so much ....first I am not using a shortcut I rried to open it
from the program files assessories a browsing message appears,,,, the one we
get it when we are trying to open a file that has been deleted.
the proplem that I can't use other programs the one we need it is windows xp


means when I try to open it from the accessories,,, it says that notepad
can't be opened and asking to specify the location "browsing window"


means when I try to open it from the accessories,,, it says that notepad
can't be opened and asking to specify the location "browsing window"

Then click Start, Run and enter:

c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe in the box and click OK.

Like Jim said, you can also browse to c:\windows\system32 and if you
see notepad.exe, double click it and see if it starts.

If notepad starts, it is still "installed" and the shortcut or path
variable is defective - probably easy to fix.

Ken Blake, MVP

thank you so much ....first I am not using a shortcut I rried to open it
from the program files assessories

You mean from Programs | Accessories on the start menu? That *is* a
shortcut, and my guess is still that the shortcut is gone, but the
program isn't.

Did you try what I suggested before: "hold down the Windows key, and
press the R key. In the Run dialog that comes up, type notepad"?


Crimson Editor is another good free one. I've been using it for years.

windows xp notepad has been deleted from my computer, can I install it
again ?

Define what "deleted" means.

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