Not so simple checkbook worksheet



At first I just wanted to make a simple checkbook worksheet so I can have a backup whenever my manual registry is used up. The spreadsheet is simple enogh:
Column A: Date
B: Check number (most cells are blank though because of debit cards, ATM, etc.)
C: Type (category so I can see where money is going, i.e. food, rent, car, entertainment, etc.)
D: Transaction (where the money went)
E: Payment
F: Deposits
G: Balance (with the formula in cell G3: =IF(A3="","",G2-E3+F3)

Looking at it now, I want to be able to do a 2 things:
1. at the top of the sheet, keep the updated balance so I don't have to scroll down the several hundred or thousand entries to see the current balance
2. run some sort of macro that charts the current month's expenses by type (i.e. a pie chart with the catagories from column C and the percentages) and does not include the previous month's info - even if it is the first day of the month.

Malcolm Graham

Here is what I would do (guaranteed to be the long and
inelegant way around.

1. Set up a monthly worksheet with enough lines to take
care of your busiest month and with separate columns to
the right for each category.
2. Put balance for the month and totals for all
categories at the top, summing all the entries in the
column below.
3. Copy this worksheet for all the months (or just one
month at a time).
4. When you get to the end of a month, transfer the
ending balance to the beginning balance for the next month
(blank worksheet, set up as in 1 - 2 above)

I told you it would not be elegant!
-----Original Message-----
At first I just wanted to make a simple checkbook
worksheet so I can have a backup whenever my manual
registry is used up. The spreadsheet is simple enogh:
Column A: Date
B: Check number (most cells are blank though because of debit cards, ATM, etc.)
C: Type (category so I can see where money is going, i.e.
food, rent, car, entertainment, etc.)
D: Transaction (where the money went)
E: Payment
F: Deposits
G: Balance (with the formula in cell G3: =IF(A3="","",G2- E3+F3)

Looking at it now, I want to be able to do a 2 things:
1. at the top of the sheet, keep the updated balance so I
don't have to scroll down the several hundred or thousand
entries to see the current balance
2. run some sort of macro that charts the current month's
expenses by type (i.e. a pie chart with the catagories
from column C and the percentages) and does not include
the previous month's info - even if it is the first day of
the month.

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