Not listing more than a range of rows



I have two sheets, one has my equipment database and the other is the results
"Quote sheet". in my Quote sheet I am using the:

=IF(ROW()-1>MAX('Equip Database'!A:A),"",ROW()-7)

in the first colum and row 8 (A8), then use the:

=IF($A8="","",VLOOKUP($A8,'Equip Database'!A7:L1000,COLUMN(),0))

in the rest of the cells on the same row (B8, C8, D8 etc.)

if I enter a qty in the Equip Database Colum A, then I populate the rows in
the the Quote sheet.

But it only retirves and up to row 27 of the Equip Database rows. It is
limited to around that phisical row and not the total amount of where a qty
is entered.


in Equip Database I enter qty in row 25 then it is sent to my Quote sheet.
If I enter a qty in row 30 it does not get sent to the Quote sheet. But if I
enter a qty in row 10, 17 & 20 then it does.

Any sugestions?

Thanks in advance,

Trevor Shuttleworth


=IF($A8="","",VLOOKUP($A8,'Equip Database'!$A$7:$L$1000,COLUMN(),0))



Trevor Shuttleworth


=IF($A8="","",VLOOKUP($A8,'Equip Database'!$A$7:$L$1000,COLUMN(),0))





Thanks for your suggestion, but I think it has something to do with the
sheet settings or something like that. I say this becouse I did a resample
of two sheets and it works. The only difference is that on some of the rows
I merged some cells to use as headings. I really want to keep the previous
sheets since they have about 800 rows of info.

Any thoughts?

Richard P.



Thanks for your suggestion, but I think it has something to do with the
sheet settings or something like that. I say this becouse I did a resample
of two sheets and it works. The only difference is that on some of the rows
I merged some cells to use as headings. I really want to keep the previous
sheets since they have about 800 rows of info.

Any thoughts?

Richard P.

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