"Not Enough Memory" when installing Winrar or Zipgenius



Hi, am trying to install unzipping software on an XP machine remotely
via Logmein. The user account is set to be administrator, there are 60
gigs of free space.

Both times I've tried to install either WInrar or Zipgenius, I get an
error message, either "out of memory" or "not enough memory".

Wondering what to do to get around this.

Thanks in advance for advice,

Don Phillipson

Hi, am trying to install unzipping software on an XP machine remotely
via Logmein. The user account is set to be administrator, there are 60
gigs of free space.

Both times I've tried to install either WInrar or Zipgenius, I get an
error message, either "out of memory" or "not enough memory".

In this error message "memory" means mainly RAM (and
swapfile pages) not storage space on the HDD. If other
types of sofware will instal OK, we would suggest these
two utillities are defective. You may choose others for
either ZIP or RAR archives.


In this error message "memory" means mainly RAM (and
swapfile pages) not storage space on the HDD.  If other
types of sofware will instal OK, we would suggest these
two utillities are defective.  You may choose others for
either ZIP or RAR archives.

Thanks - next time I'm at that location I'll try installing directly
rather than by remote access - I've had other problems in the past

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