"Not enough memory to update display, close unneeded programs"



I have never seen this message from Access before but now a user gets it upon
opening a database. She has 512k of ram and no programs running other than
Access. Database is 20 meg. Other users with similar machines can open the
database ok. Any idea what might be the cause? Multiple users are opening an
unsplit database on a shared drive (yes, I know not recommended) but they
have used this database since the mid 90's successfully.
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".


all I can contribute is that I have experienced the exact same thing; also
on one unique PC only....I have concluded it is the PC...and usually just a
reboot fixes it; although once I had to reboot 2x. mine happens when opening
a report....

in my case the db is split; and so while it is not probable that non-split
is the cause - - I would still go ahead and split it....give your troubled PC
their own FE...and leave a common FE on the server for the others...they will
never know... who knows it might contribute...

Jerry Whittle

512k of ram

I hope that you mean 512 MB of ram!

Minimize all programs so that you can see the desktop.

Right click on the desktop and bring up Properties.

Go to the Settings tab.

I'm betting that the Color quality is set to Highest (32 bit). Try setting
it down to Medium (16 bit).

Also compare the screen resolution of the problem computer to that of the
other computers. If the screen resolution is much higher, that could be the

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